Facebook – when you say the name, you can almost hear the ground rumble~~~ Well not really but it sounds good for dramatic effect eh?.
Facebook generates in excess of 3 Billion Dollars Sales Revenue annually – more now in the time it’s taken to read this sentence. So how can I get a piece of that you may be wondering. Well here’s a few tips & interesting tidbits to mull over about the Social Network…
If you’re trying to get more Likes and build your audience, there is always Facebook Ads.
Fact #1:
75% of Likes come from Facebook ads. Need more? Advertise with them, you set the daily budget and many hosting plans now offer freebie coupons to try it out. Once you get to 400 Likes you can even start Promoting Posts to expand that audience reach even farther.
Fact #2 :
Only 25% of Likes come from direct links and organic traffic. Sad but true.
Fact #3:
39% of users on Facebook are looking for more deals. Sweepstakes and Giveways are #1. If you have an idea for a coupon or deal, then FB’s your platform just be sure to use an approved FB App like Constant Contact or Wildfire to run your campaign.
Fact # 4:
Don’t drive traffic outside of Facebook (ie: advertise a URL etc. off the “book”) Statistics show a 40% Bounce-Rate on external pages / links. Fans on Facebook want to stay on Facebook – happy within the community. Needless to say the social platform loves this option too.
Fact # 5:
Ever wonder why you post 2 separate articles and one is seen by only 10-20 people while the other is seen by 3-400?? How does that figure? FB uses an algorithm called edgerank which basically filters who gets to see what content on FB. They estimate only 12-17% of your fans will see any given page post why? Well with 950 million users producing new content daily equals an astronomical amount of data and they need something to filter “signal” from all the “noise”.
So how does edgerank filter content?
1. How many people it would appeal to or currently Like your page.
2. Affinity – How close to / or pertinent to the fans is this new info. / content. Based on their previous FB activities and Likes.
- Time – How old is the post? <1 day ranks higher than 2 days old etc.. Enough said.
The bottom line for the algorithm is simply that if your content is fresh, engaging and popular, you will stay “live” longer or vice versa.
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