Why Facebook advertising is worth the Investment We know that Facebook is the largest social media platform on the web, we know that everyone and their Grandma has an account, and that many consumers, when searching for a product, service or brand will check out the Facebook page associated with that product, service or brand. Continue Reading …
3 S’s of Social Media Maintenance
Props to the lovely, Lori Taylor for this great INFOGRAPHIC on Social Media Maintenance :
7 Reasons your Facebook page is a Mess
Image via BigStockPhoto.com Great post here from Jason Miller over at Marketo with some simple actionable tweaks you can make to your Facebook Pages that when followed will deliver results quickly. A state of disarray so chaotic that it’s dizzying to look at. A mess that is beyond the normal range of disarray. Visual clutter Continue Reading …
14 Tiny Tweaks to Your Facebook Page That Make an IMMEDIATE Difference
We first read this post by Krissy Brady on Lori Taylors’ blog and felt it was a great compilation of Facebook tips to help BOOST your Facebook page almost immediately. Social Media, by its’ very nature changes by the nano-second and there really is no such thing as ever knowing everything. So it’s great to Continue Reading …
4 Social Media Marketing Lessons From the Top US Colleges
Social Media Marketing Lessons Harvard University’s official Facebook page currently boasts over 2,437,000 ‘Likes.’ Lest that sound like just another big number, consider that the university has only 22,800 students. Still, of course, Harvard is a widely recognized name. But so are Reebok, Miller Lite and The Avett Brothers (all of whom are quite Continue Reading …
Facebook Services
Facebook Services Can you help me with Facebook? Sure Can! We get asked a lot for our opinions on Facebook, How it works, How best to make it work for me… So we thought we’d put up a quick post to let you know some things we can do for you, your Business or Brand Continue Reading …