Grow Your Instagram Following Instagram has over one billion users, great engagement rates and it doesn’t look to be slowing down any time soon. So, as a small business it’s definitely worth investing some time and effort into marketing on the visual platform. You can find an audience for almost any product or service. It Continue Reading …
Instagram Bot Bites the Dust
Instagram Bot Bites the Dust Last week it was announced that the popular Instagram bot Instagress had been shuttered at the request of Instagram. Technically, for those of you that like the fine print, the squabble centred around the use of the term ” Insta … ” in the product name. In any case, the Continue Reading …
Digging into Downlister
Digging into Downlister | Social Tools Suite In this installment of the MAC5 Social Tools Suite, we’re talking about a brand new App designed to compliment Instagram! The online community is filled to the rim with content. Video, photographs, and literature overflows the internet with variety. However, this trend results in continuous distribution of material Continue Reading …
What Is Instagress
Social Tools Suite: Instagress It seems there’s an App for almost everything nowadays and never more so than on social media. We get asked all the time if we know the best tools to grow a following or expand a brands reach. Everyone is looking for that smoking gun right? So we thought we’d start Continue Reading …
Instagram offers Insta-Marketing
Instagram Offers Insta-Marketing Opportunities Instagram, the online photo-sharing service that allows users to dress up images using filters, vignettes and other fun features has taken the world by storm. What was once a little iOS only app now boasts 400 million users per month – or over 20% of the internet community! In April of Continue Reading …