6 Ways to use video marketing more effectively Many businesses today are embracing video marketing. Those that do quickly realize just how widely effective video is across many social platforms. Whether you’re planning on advertising on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or any other social video hosting site, there’s lots of great reasons on how small and Continue Reading …
Crafting the Right Holiday Marketing Strategy
Crafting the Right Holiday Marketing Strategy Assessing the state of your marketing is something that takes regular and consistent work. Truth be told if you’re not reviewing your campaigns at least quarterly (ideally monthly) then odds are you’re making mistakes. When was the last time you conducted a full marketing audit? You might be surprised Continue Reading …
Influencer Marketing
Influencer Marketing Influencer Marketing is one of those terms we see floating around the internet daily. But how does it work? How do you find an influencer? And is it truly worth all the effort? Recently, I took in a panel discussion with some influencers themselves at a recent marketing conference. The Marketing Continue Reading …
Marketing to Baby Boomers & Generation Jones
Marketing to Baby Boomers & Generation Jones In the second installment of our Generational Marketing series, today we’re taking a closer look at Baby Boomers & Generation Jones. Wait, but aren’t they the same group you ask? Nope. You may be familiar with the song, The Living Years and its’ lyrics “Every generation, Blames the Continue Reading …
Marketing to Generations
Marketing to Generations X Y Z + As a Digital Marketing agency, we handle a wide variety of clients, all with their very own niche clientele. These individual audiences however, often vary by huge degrees from one client to the next. Some may cater primarily to Men, while others might only want to market to Continue Reading …
Automated Direct Messages, If, How and When to Use Them
Automated Direct Messages, If, How and When to Use Them Let’s be honest for a quick second. Automated direct messages on social media kinda suck, don’t they? They’re typically impersonal, disingenuous and seemingly random. If the message was composed in such a way as to appeal to the most people, it probably won’t appeal to Continue Reading …
Instagram offers Insta-Marketing
Instagram Offers Insta-Marketing Opportunities Instagram, the online photo-sharing service that allows users to dress up images using filters, vignettes and other fun features has taken the world by storm. What was once a little iOS only app now boasts 400 million users per month – or over 20% of the internet community! In April of Continue Reading …